Saturday, November 15, 2014

Math with iPads

Thank you Ms. Teri for showing us how to make number stories on the iPads with Doodlebuddy!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

First Quarter Fun!

I can hardly believe the first quarter of Kindergarten has come to an end.  I have had so much fun teaching these kiddos!!  Parents, thank you for all you do to make our learning experience unique!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

3 Little Pigs STEM Challenge

Today the students were challenged to work together to build a house that the Big Bad Wolf could not blow down!  We had so much fun!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

We are learning so much and having a lot of fun working together!  In Math we are learning number concepts; in Language Arts we are learning story elements; and in Content we are being scientists!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fabulous First Week!

What a fabulous start to the school year!  I am thoroughly enjoying the children!  We are getting to know each other and learning how to make connections in language arts; counting in Math; and community/citizenship in social studies!

I will begin posting pictures as soon as I have collected all of the students' Media Releases:)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

We had a wonderful first day at JBD!  We heard stories, talked with classmates, sang songs, and had a great start to our year!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Welcome to Mrs. McGuire's
Kindergarten Blog! 

I am thrilled to be a teacher at JBD Elementary and look forward to teaching your children!  I am busily getting ready to begin the 2014-2015 school year.  We will learn so much!

I have over 10 years' teaching experience in K-2, Reading Recovery and as a Literacy Coach.  I have finally found my true love - KINDERGARTEN!

I love children, reading, going to the beach, riding my bike, and learning new things.

I am so excited to be here:)